In 2024, Convetional loan limit in Forestdale, county of Jefferson, AL is $726,200 while FHA limit is $472,030 for a single-family home.
Use Lendersa® Conventional loan calculator to compare today's Conventional Vs. FHA Vs. USDA best rates and determine the Income, credit, reserves, and documents needed to qualify. With our advanced mortgage calculator, you see the Conforming Conventional loans, USDA, FHA, VA side by side to help you decide which program in AL is best for your particular financial situation.
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Loan Type | Loan Limit | Down payment | |
Conventional Conforming | $726,200 | 3% | |
USDA | $336,500 | 0% | |
FHA | $472,030 | 3.5% |
The comparison table applies to zip codes: 35214, 35005, 35231
Lendersa® goal is to get you the best possible Conventional, USDA or FHA loan fast and without hassle. Select one of three starting points that result in matching lenders and loan programs.
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